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Minor Versionm

by Zachary Cooper Friedman-Hill


This guide is a checklist of items that need to be verified before running the Injection Molder on semi-automatic or automatic mode. You should be in manual mode when performing these checks on the machine.

  1. Ensure both heaters are on and have reached operating temperatures. This can take several of minutes. The navy blue values represent the actual zone temp of the screw, while the yellow bar is the set temp. When the navy blue temperatures to the right match those of the yellow temperatures they will turn green indicating that the machine is at operating temperature.
    • Ensure both heaters are on and have reached operating temperatures. This can take several of minutes.

    • The navy blue values represent the actual zone temp of the screw, while the yellow bar is the set temp.

    • When the navy blue temperatures to the right match those of the yellow temperatures they will turn green indicating that the machine is at operating temperature.

  2. Make sure there is adequate plastic in the hopper. The amount depends on how many cycles you plan to run. If there is not enough plastic, insert more into the top of the hopper.
    • Make sure there is adequate plastic in the hopper. The amount depends on how many cycles you plan to run.

    • If there is not enough plastic, insert more into the top of the hopper.

    • Finally make sure that the stopper is pulled all the way to the right allowing the plastic to enter the injection unit.

  3. The mold must be in its fully open position in order to operate the machine in semi-automatic or automatic mode. The clamping unit can be moved using the open/close mold buttons in the bottom left.
    • The mold must be in its fully open position in order to operate the machine in semi-automatic or automatic mode.

    • The clamping unit can be moved using the open/close mold buttons in the bottom left.

    • Hold the open mold button until the clamping unit stops moving and the circle indicator turns yellow.

    • Movement to any part of the machine can only be performed in manual mode.

  4. The mold must be completely open in order for the pins to eject properly. Press the ejector pin advance button to eject the pins. The ejector pins should fully extend past the mold cavity and mud plate surface.
    • The mold must be completely open in order for the pins to eject properly.

    • Press the ejector pin advance button to eject the pins.

    • The ejector pins should fully extend past the mold cavity and mud plate surface.

    • Once you've confirmed that the ejector pins work, press the ejector pin retract button to retract the pins.

    • Ejector pins must be fully retracted to run a cycle in semi-automatic or automatic mode. The yellow circle indicates that the retraction limit has been reached.

  5. The plasticizing unit and screw must be retracted all the way back in order to run the machine in semi-automatic or automatic mode. Move the plasticizing unit back by holding the unit back button until movement stops and the circle indicator turns yellow. Move the screw back to the max shot size position by holding the plasticizing button until movement stops and the circle indicator turns yellow.
    • The plasticizing unit and screw must be retracted all the way back in order to run the machine in semi-automatic or automatic mode.

    • Move the plasticizing unit back by holding the unit back button until movement stops and the circle indicator turns yellow.

    • Move the screw back to the max shot size position by holding the plasticizing button until movement stops and the circle indicator turns yellow.

    • Open nozzle protection gate and wipe the nozzle with a cloth to ensure that no excess plastic from previous runs or purging is clogging nozzle.

    • When operating around the nozzle make sure that you are wearing the correct PPE. The nozzle reaches temperatures over 200°C. Make sure you are wearing heat resistant gloves.

    • Do NOT use the decompression button! (Screw back movement). This causes melted plastic to move backwards within the screw and can cause clogs. Only do so if necessary.

    • Finally, you may move the nozzle back to it's left-most position

Finish Line

Zachary Cooper Friedman-Hill

Member since: 09/25/2022

231 Reputation

6 Guides authored


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