Click on request in Papercut
Download the STLs in the request
If they send non STL files, respond asking them to resubmit with STLs
Open Network Drive
Select AFL (Clark) -> Connex
Locate the folder with the client's name, if they do not have one, create one
Folder naming convention: Firstname Lastname
In client folder, create a new folder for the request, naming it "PCrequestnumber"
Everything relating to that request number should be saved in the folder, including but not limited to STL files, screenshots, and the GrabCAD Print file
See GrabCAD Slicing Guide for help
Check the "Additional Instructions" section for information regarding the request
Clients may put quantity, finish, materials and orientations desired in "Additional Instructions"
Some clients put quantity at the top of the request under "Pages"
Save GrabCAD print file into the client request folder, naming it "PCrequestnumber"
Using the "Estimate" feature, enter the material usage into Papercut
Edit the Papercut request, entering the number of grams of material used
If needed, add an additional material and enter the grams used
Input your name into "Assigned to"
Depending on the complexity of the part, enter how much time it would take to slice, harvest, clean print heads, and clean parts by hand in "Operator Time Estimate"
Start at 0.5 hours and go up depending on complexity
Using the GrabCAD estimate, enter the "Print Time" into "Machine Time Estimate"
Edit the "Affiliation", most requests are "Internal"
Save the edits to the request and move to "Ready to Print"