You must be wearing proper PPE before you do anything with bath 5 of the Contac
Safety glasses/goggles
Turn off the Contac before proceeding
Every so often the Contac S4 will tell you that bath 5 needs to be filtered
Contaminants from the environment and FR4 boards can lead to lower quality plating
We can remove these contaminants with a filter
The tubes and filter for draining the Contac are located on the top shelf of the LPKF cabinet
The arrow indicates which way the chemical should flow through the filter
You will need to remove the floating balls before you can drain bath 5
Use the slotted spoon to remove the balls and place them in glass beakers
The slotted spoon is located in the cabinet beneath the Contac and there are glass beakers in the back room
Open the cover on the front of the Contac by pushing on it
Remove the plug from bath 5 by pushing on the ring around the plug while simultaneously pulling the plug out
Insert the tube marked with 5
Insert the filter into the other end
Direct the filter into an empty Copper Plater 400 jug from the back room
Twist the blue knob to begin draining the bath
Once the bath is fully drained, pour the now filtered chemicals back into the bath from the top
Pour the plastic balls back in
Cover the bath with the lid
We have to tell the machine that bath 5 has been filtered so that it can reset its internal timer
Turn the machine on and tap the hamburger menu icon
Tap Settings
Tap Service
Tap Reset on Copper-plating filter
Tap Yes
The timer is now reset. It will go off when it's time to filter bath 5 again