Open the *New Project Folder Creator Spreadsheet. If the link doesn't work it can be found in the Terrapin Works Shared Drive under Design Projects/Project Folders/*Templates
Press the "Create a new project folder" button
The first time you run the script to generate a new project folder you will need to authorize the script to run.
If the dialog box "Authorization Required" pops up press "Continue".
Select your UMD or ENG google account.
Another dialog box will appear saying that the app is not verified. This is because the script was written internally at Terrapin Works. The app simply creates a new folder structure for a project and copies the templates. It will not affect anything within your personal drive, it only modifies the Projects Folder in the shared drive.
Click on "Advanced"
Click on "Go to Create Project Folder (unsafe)"
On the next screen click on "Allow"
Enter the name of the project. This should match the name of the project in Jira.
Enter the project key. This should match the project key from Jira.
A dialog will appear, confirm that the name is correct, then press okay to run the script. It will take a minute or two but the script will create a new folder in "Project Folders" with the correct folder structure and templates.
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