Select anywhere within the desired Class card
The Class Home page appears
Select Grading Center
Select your project in the Please select a project dropdown menu to filter for a single project.
Select Filter Table menu to view other filtering options
The table of student submissions can be filtered for any or all: Student Name, Team Name, Element, Document Title, and/or Grade
Select desired filters
Filters have been selected for Student Name, Team Name, Element, and Document Ttile
Filters can be removed by selecting Reset Filter.
Filter results show number of rows displayed out of total number of rows
Select Grading to view Grading Overview table of student submissions.
Grading Overview appears
Select Filter Table
The Grading Overview Filter Table is identical to the Filter Table in the Grading Center except that "Project" and "Class" have been incorporated into the table.
Select the same filters as applied in Step 5 for the Grading Center: Student Name, Team Name, Element and Document Title
As in the Grading Center, filter results show number of rows displayed out of total number of rows
Almost done!
Finish Line