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Minor Versionm

by Wensen Liu


  • As part of your onboarding with the lathe, you will create a rocket from 1" aluminum stock. It consists of three separate pieces: a nose cone, a spacer, and the tail.
  • The engineering drawings that you will follow to make the part are attached on the lathe. They will also be linked in this guide
  • If you have any questions while completing the part, feel free to ask and SLM or LC in the lab!
  1. The first stage will be completed in three checkpoints, pictures from each checkpoint are included for reference. Checkpoint 1: Turning down the part of the stage that will be threaded and cutting it out (Pictures 1 & 2). This step requires the parting and face turning tools.
    • The first stage will be completed in three checkpoints, pictures from each checkpoint are included for reference.

    • Checkpoint 1: Turning down the part of the stage that will be threaded and cutting it out (Pictures 1 & 2). This step requires the parting and face turning tools.

  2. Checkpoint 2: Turning down the angled taper on the nose cone (Pictures 1 and 2). This step requires the face turning tool. Checkpoint 3: Threading the end (Picture 3). This step requires the 5/16-18 die. Checkpoint 3: Threading the end (Picture 3). This step requires the 5/16-18 die.
    • Checkpoint 2: Turning down the angled taper on the nose cone (Pictures 1 and 2). This step requires the face turning tool.

    • Checkpoint 3: Threading the end (Picture 3). This step requires the 5/16-18 die.

  3. The second stage will be completed in two checkpoints, pictures from each checkpoint are included for reference. Checkpoint 1: Turning down part of the length to the diameter of the smaller end (Picture 1). This step requires a face turning tool.
    • The second stage will be completed in two checkpoints, pictures from each checkpoint are included for reference.

    • Checkpoint 1: Turning down part of the length to the diameter of the smaller end (Picture 1). This step requires a face turning tool.

    • If you turn down the entire length of the part to be the smaller diameter, you will have to restart the part.

    • Checkpoint 2: Turning the angle taper on the inside of the stage (Picture 2). This step requires the center turning tool.

  4. The third stage will be completed in four checkpoints, pictures from each checkpoint are included for reference. Checkpoint 1: Drilling the hole in the bottom in preparation for boring (Picture 1). This step requires the 5/8" drill bit. Checkpoint 2: Boring to widen the hole in the base of the stage (Picture 2). This step requires a boring tool.
    • The third stage will be completed in four checkpoints, pictures from each checkpoint are included for reference.

    • Checkpoint 1: Drilling the hole in the bottom in preparation for boring (Picture 1). This step requires the 5/8" drill bit.

    • Checkpoint 2: Boring to widen the hole in the base of the stage (Picture 2). This step requires a boring tool.

    • Checkpoint 3: Turning the internal taper at the base of the stage (Picture 3). This step requires the face turning tool.

  5. Checkpoint 4: Parting the stage from the stock and turning down the taper (Pictures 1 and 2). This step requires the face milling tool and the parting tool. Checkpoint 4: Parting the stage from the stock and turning down the taper (Pictures 1 and 2). This step requires the face milling tool and the parting tool.
    • Checkpoint 4: Parting the stage from the stock and turning down the taper (Pictures 1 and 2). This step requires the face milling tool and the parting tool.

Wensen Liu

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