After scanning, you'll be able to see the result with the original color or you can switch the preview to Height that shows height differences
You can click analyze to go to the analyzer software, but for this guide click back
You don't have to run the scan to perform part measurment
Select Observe to start the part measurement
If you had to stitch the scan, select analyze data and plane measurement
Some of these measurement features include:
2 points
Diameter and Radius
Measures distance between 2 points
Select 2 points
Click on the object to set two points where you want to measure the distance between them
Click on the screen to set the measurement in place
Measures distance between 2 parallel lines
Select parallel
Click on the place you want to measure from and then click again where you want the straight line to be create
Then click on the place you want to measure to and it will automatically make a parallel line there
Click on the screen to set the measurement in place
Measures the diameter or radius of a circular object
Select diameter or radius
Click on the object to place 3 different points on the circle you're measuring
Click on the screen to set the measurement in place
Measures any angle on an object
Select angle
Place two points on the object to form the first line that the angle will measure from
Place another two points on the object to form the second line that intersects with the first where the angle will be measured
Move the cursor to the correct angle you want measured and click on the screen to place the measurement
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