In cases where continuous fiber is incorrectly aligned with the plastic portion of a part, the Fiber Nozzle XY Offset utility is used to update relative nozzle position.
Markforged Guide: Adjust the XY Offset Desktop
Images by: TW
Clean the print bed and apply a 4" by 4" square of glue to its center
Install the printbed in the printer
Select the menu icon from the dashboard
Select the Utilities tile from the available options
Select the Print Head Alignment tile from the available options
Select the Fiber Nozzle XY Offsets tile
Press the Print XY Bracket button
Do not remove the printed part until after completing the following steps
The printer will automatically begin printing the part when the button is pressed
Once the XY bracket has finished printing select "Next" from the utility if you haven't exited it.
Identify the box on each axis that has fiber passing through its center
In the utility, use the arrow buttons to adjust the black lines until they pass through the boxes that you identified in the previous step
You can set the black line to hit in between the boxes if the line passes through the center not directly over a box
Press the done button when you are certain that the offsets are correct
Reprint the utility test print to ensure that the fiber lines pass through the center boxes denoted by the notches