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Major VersionM

by AdolfJerald Gregorio Accad


The planer is used to create a surface parallel to one created on the jointer. This allows you to create a square piece. The planer is also used to reduce the thickness of boards.

  1. To raise and lower the bed, turn the large wheel on the side of the planer. There is a gage next to the wheel that tells you how thick your piece will be after a cut. Set the piece under the black mark and lower the bed until the wood touches the black piece, then back it off 1 turn to ensure you do not start with a deep cut.
    • To raise and lower the bed, turn the large wheel on the side of the planer.

    • There is a gage next to the wheel that tells you how thick your piece will be after a cut.

    • Set the piece under the black mark and lower the bed until the wood touches the black piece, then back it off 1 turn to ensure you do not start with a deep cut.

  2. Before you turn on the planer, make sure to turn on the dust collector next to it.
    • Before you turn on the planer, make sure to turn on the dust collector next to it.

    • Turn the planer on with the green button on the side, and off with the red button.

    • Push the piece forward until the planer grabs it. At this point you can move around to the outfeed side to collect your piece.

    • Between each pass, lower the planer at most a half-turn. This will give a better finish and prevent tear-out.

    • To prevent snipe, lift the piece up slightly as it exits the planer.

  3. Safety goggles are required to work in the woodshop.
    • Safety goggles are required to work in the woodshop.

    • Ear protection is recommended, but not required.

    • Long pants, short/rolled up sleeves, and closed toed shoes are required.

    • Long hair must be tied back.

    • NO GLOVES - they can get caught in the machinery.

Finish Line

Sarah Rosalinde Schaupp

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