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Major VersionM

by Nicholas Bentley

  1. Browse to Log in using your Directory ID & password. Install the Terrapin Works Tools browser extension if you have not already. You will see a warning if you do not have it.
    • Browse to

    • Log in using your Directory ID & password.

    • Install the Terrapin Works Tools browser extension if you have not already. You will see a warning if you do not have it.

    • The warning will disappear after you have installed the extension and you will see new options at the bottom of the interface.

  2. Begin processing a transaction as you usually do. After you have entered the standard fields, such as username to charge to, shared account, and added line items (including tax if applicable), scroll down to the comment section.
    • Begin processing a transaction as you usually do.

    • After you have entered the standard fields, such as username to charge to, shared account, and added line items (including tax if applicable), scroll down to the comment section.

    • Below the comment section, you will see new options for filling out the comment field. The field is disabled for custom input.

    • Choose the option that makes the most sense, add detail using the text box, and click the button to insert the appropriate comment for the transaction.

    • After you have inserted the appropriate comment for the transaction using the available buttons, click purchase and complete the transaction as you would normally.


You have successfully completed this mini-training on how to process transactions using PaperCut Web Cashier using the Terrapin Works Tools browser extension.

Nicholas Bentley

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