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Minor Versionm

by Anton Brian Preslopsky


Improperly disposed resin cartridges carry the risk of exposing uncured resin to the environment, as well as making ESSR very upset. This guide will explain how to avoid doing either.

  1. Remove empty resin cartrige and secure in vice. Before cutting, place paper towels underneath the cartridge to catch any spilt resin.
    • Remove empty resin cartrige and secure in vice. Before cutting, place paper towels underneath the cartridge to catch any spilt resin.

    • MAKE SURE THE CARTRIDGE IS COMPLETELY EMPTY!!! If you are unsure, turn cartridge upside down over a dedicated resin bottle of the same type. Use a funnel for this.

  2. Using a hacksaw, cut the cartridge in half. Any unused resin should drip onto the paper towels, which can be disposed of in the trash.
    • Using a hacksaw, cut the cartridge in half. Any unused resin should drip onto the paper towels, which can be disposed of in the trash.

    • Remember to wipe down vice, hacksaw, and floor with IPA. Depending on how much plastic fragments off of the cartridge, you may need to vacuum the region.

  3. Place both cartridge halves into UV oven. Run the oven on 6 minute on-off cycles (6 minutes on, 6 minutes off). This keeps the UV bulbs from burning out. The UV oven is controlled by a simple on-off switch. Do not keep the oven switched on for prolonged periods of time.
    • Place both cartridge halves into UV oven. Run the oven on 6 minute on-off cycles (6 minutes on, 6 minutes off). This keeps the UV bulbs from burning out.

    • The UV oven is controlled by a simple on-off switch. Do not keep the oven switched on for prolonged periods of time.

    • Some halves may still have resin in them. Make sure to keep the openings of these halves pointed upwards to prevent spills.

    • Once the resin has fully cured and is solid, dispose of the halves in the trash.

Finish Line

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