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Major VersionM

by Benjamin Gerald Hroblak

  1. Nexa3D XiP orders will appear on the Kanban as blank images. We are working to add an image of the machine but it may take a while.
    • Nexa3D XiP orders will appear on the Kanban as blank images.

    • We are working to add an image of the machine but it may take a while.

    • To sort through machines quickly, filter the requests to only see Nexa3D XiP jobs.

  2. Download the attached .stl file by hovering over the date. We only accept .stl files for this machine- if necessary send a message in PaperCut asking for the correct format. You'll want to make note of the material, material color, and resolution if the customer asked for it.
    • Download the attached .stl file by hovering over the date.

    • We only accept .stl files for this machine- if necessary send a message in PaperCut asking for the correct format.

    • You'll want to make note of the material, material color, and resolution if the customer asked for it.

    • Inform the customer via PaperCut if we do not have their requested color and ask if they will accept an alternative.

    • Let a LC know we are out of stock.

    • Note any additional instructions- this section often includes details of relevant dimensions or requests for specific print settings

    • If the printer cannot accommodate any of the customer's requests, send them a message in PaperCut.

    • Change submission type to "[Staff Only] Generate Cost" and add your name to the "Assignee" section so that if there are any issues with the print other technicians can find you and fix the problem.

  3. Slice the part in NexaX and save the .NXA locally. To add the sliced file and print mass, edit the request
    • Slice the part in NexaX and save the .NXA locally.

    • To add the sliced file and print mass, edit the request

    • Click the attach button, then upload the .NXA file.

    • Uploading the .NXA file to PaperCut is required to avoid reslicing parts.

    • Make sure the name is professional, typically use the format [PaperCut #] - [stlfilename].form

    • Add the Build Mass Estimate, Export units, # of Build Plates, and select the appropriate Support Removal Time.

    • Click Save on the top right of the request.

    • Change the request status to Ready to Print

  4. Update PaperCut to "Processing" once the print is on the printer.
    • Update PaperCut to "Processing" once the print is on the printer.

    • Make an internal note on PaperCut of what printer the job was started on.

    • If any aspect of the job fails notify the customer immediately and make an internal note of what happened.

  5. Change the job order to "Post Processing" once the print is done on the Nexa3D XiP and ready for the Wash+Cure
    • Change the job order to "Post Processing" once the print is done on the Nexa3D XiP and ready for the Wash+Cure

  6. Once the print is done curing and the supports are removed, place the model in a bag with the following information... PaperCut Number Customer Name {Last, First}
    • Once the print is done curing and the supports are removed, place the model in a bag with the following information...

    • PaperCut Number

    • Customer Name {Last, First}

    • Date

    • Price

    • Machine/ Material

    • If you have the TW Extension installed, pressing the "Print Label" button will produce this same information

    • Update the PaperCut status to "Ready for pick-up" once the bag is placed in the correct bin in the AFL

Finish Line

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Benjamin Gerald Hroblak

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