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by Chinmay Kandarp Sevak


Learn how to install Ultimaker Cura and get started with slicing your first parts. Ultimaker Cura can be used with a large variety of consumer 3D printers, but this guide uses the Ultimaker 2+ as an example. Learn more on the Ultimaker website.

Images from: Kai Hirshon.

  1. Download the latest version of Ultimaker Cura from the Ultimaker Cura webpage.
    • Download the latest version of Ultimaker Cura from the Ultimaker Cura webpage.

    • Cura also comes in other flavors, such as Dremel Cura, so download whichever version is most appropriate for your application

  2. Review then agree to the terms of use on the first page, then click next.
    • Review then agree to the terms of use on the first page, then click next.

    • Review the page that describes the changes from prior versions of Cura, then click next

    • Open the appropriate menu to add a printer

    • If the printer is always connected to your network, then use Add a networked printer

    • For other printers, use Add a non-networked printer

    • For this guide, we will be adding the Ultimaker 2+, which is not wifi-enabled

  3. There are two ways to import an STL in Cura: Click on the file icon in the top left to open a file browser window
    • There are two ways to import an STL in Cura:

    • Click on the file icon in the top left to open a file browser window

    • Drag and drop a file into the Cura window

    • Multiple files can also be added to a single print by following the same process

    • Be sure to check the imported units of the part to verify that it is the correct size

  4. The tools on the left enable manipulation of the file: move, scale, rotate, mirror or duplicate Select the material and nozzle size with which to print the part
    • The tools on the left enable manipulation of the file: move, scale, rotate, mirror or duplicate

    • Select the material and nozzle size with which to print the part

    • The top section of the screen may be slightly different depending on which printer is configured, so it may be necessary to look for the desired settings

    • Choose the default profile most appropriate to the part:

    • Most parts will be fine with a 'normal' print profile, which balances speed and quality

    • Press the Slice button after choosing the correct profile and material

  5. After slicing, confirm the part looks as intended by clicking Preview Examine the preview to insure no error in placement of the automatic supports or build-plate adhesion aids
    • After slicing, confirm the part looks as intended by clicking Preview

    • Examine the preview to insure no error in placement of the automatic supports or build-plate adhesion aids

    • Estimates of material used and time to print the part are also displayed here

    • If necessary, remember these values for keeping track of part cost or comparison against other print settings

  6. Click on the Save to File button if the print matches expectations Save the print to the desired location
    • Click on the Save to File button if the print matches expectations

    • Save the print to the desired location

    • For parts that you may want to reference the settings used, it is also recommended to save the Cura project file

    • By default, the file title will be the name of the first file imported to Cura for that session

    • Change the title if necessary for your desired workflow

Chinmay Kandarp Sevak

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