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Minor Versionm

Approved AFL Guide Approval Process

by Mital Raju Patel


After every print the HP Jet Fusion 580 leaves powder in every possible corner of the printer and it must be vacuumed each time.


No parts specified.

  1. Open the top cover Vacuum all exposed areas of the print area, build chamber, curtain, and the underside of the top cover Make sure to thoroughly vacuum area around the optical sensors
    • Open the top cover

    • Vacuum all exposed areas of the print area, build chamber, curtain, and the underside of the top cover

    • Make sure to thoroughly vacuum area around the optical sensors

    • Be careful not to press too hard on the back curtain it could cause damage

  2. Move the print carriage over the center of the build chamber
    • Move the print carriage over the center of the build chamber

    • Vacuum all exposed surfaces in the print carriage area and the printhead cap

    • Do not vacuum or touch the printhead cleaning roll

    • Move the print carriage back to its home position

  3. Move the fusing carriage to the right and lift up the front panel
    • Move the fusing carriage to the right and lift up the front panel

    • Vacuum all exposed surfaces, including the left wall and build-chamber filter cover

    • Lower the front panel, and move the fusing carriage back to its original position

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