This guide will explain the basics of slicing in Zortrax’s proprietary software, Z-Suite, for generating .zcode to be used with the M200 and M300 printers.
Images By: Nico Lagendyk
When you first open Z-Suite you'll be presented with an option to choose a device to print from.
Select the appropriate device you need to use for the job
For this guide we'll be using the M300
Drag and drop your files into the software or browse for files by clicking "Add Files"
Clicking add files brings up your file explorer where you can select the 3d object you want to print
Make sure your file is in the appropriate file type of .stl
Select your file, then click open
Your file is then imported onto a plate virtually representing the build plate
Navigating is pretty easy and similar to other 3D software
Scrolling changes the zoom and holding down the left button of your mouse allows you to rotate the plate
All these basic tools have associated buttons on the left toolbar
Selecting a model on the plate allows access to a new set of tools on the toolbar
This includes moving, scaling, rotating, placing by face, and splitting the model
Access the resizing tool by clicking on the button with a line going through a point
Files can be exported in one unit system and then be imported in another so a part becomes either too small or too large
Retrieve the bounding box dimensions to fix this issue
This model should be 7" x 4" x 1.5", but as you can see, it has been scaled 0.1x in mm and is clearly too small
Convert one of your bounding box dimensions to mm and make sure that the little lock next to the dimensions is locked to preserve the scaling
Once you change the dimension your model will look like the appropriate size
Orient your model in the best way to be printed
Minimize overhangs
Optimize for the least amount of support
For this model it is pretty straight forward that we want the large flat face on the plate
Use the rotate model or place by face tool to achieve this action
Move the model towards the center of the build plate and ensure that it fits properly
Change values in the move function box or drag the model when the tool is selected
Once the model is correctly scaled and moved you can move on to the next page by clicking "Print Settings"
Select the correct material from the drop down menu
Click on "Automatic" for support
Use 0.14mm layer thickness for normal parts, but make it smaller for finer parts and larger for coarser parts
Set print quality to "Normal" in most cases
Use rectilinear infill pattern unless customer states otherwise
Use 5-15% infill unless customer states otherwise
Click "Preview" down at the bottom when finished
When you click preview, the software will go through and add support where its necessary and generate the .zcode for the printer to read
Note the time and amount of material needed
Export the file to use on the printer
Uncheck the "Export the report to a .txt file" unless you want that information
Save your .zcode file in your desired location