MIC SLM Training
Duties of Senior Lab Managers in the MIC.
The general duties of a Senior Lab Manager entail delegating tasks to Lab Managers, onboarding new staff, repairing extruders, and managing bulk orders in the lab. The SLM provides direction and knowledge to both LM’s and clients that enter the space.
Beginning of Shift
- Open Slack, check messages, clock in on Paycor, and swipe for clock in
- If opening shift: Verify if closing checklist was followed (sweeping, trash, etc.), follow up with responsible LM if necessary and identify issues
- During any shift: Report any repeating issues with lab organization to LC and post in #mgmt-mic or #labs-makerbot-ic as appropriate, making sure to explain the issue
- Check daily coverage map in Paycor and #ops-late-notice to make sure all LMs have arrived on time, send slack to LC if no notice has been given to keep track of it
- Filter to relevant roles i.e. MIC Cohorts, MIC LM.
- Establish shift goals and shift responsibilities → delegate specific tasks to LMs
- Assign these shift responsibilities to LMs (listed in order of importance):
- Keeping printers online (check on prints failing, “Printers: Attention”, printers that need to be reloaded) and repairing extruders
- Checking up and resolving old requests in the “Pending customer response” & “Technician needs to respond”
- Send tickets and respond to messages on Papercut for prints that we will be unable to meet deadline
- Send tickets and respond to messaged on Papercut for prints that have no deadline but are older than 3 business days
- If customer needed to respond to a helpdesk ticket and didn’t within 2 weeks, delete the associated request in ICMP and verify helpdesk ticket was closed as “customer abandoned”
- If necessary, queue jobs needed to complete the request
- Send a ticket to customer if for any long-term status updates or issues
- Harvesting printers and slicing new requests
- Sitting at the front desk and interacting with customers
- Assign these shift responsibilities to LMs (listed in order of importance):
During Shift
- Check engineering helpdesk ticketing system and Papercut (TW General and MIC)— assign tickets and requests as needed and handle SLM grade tickets (bulk orders, referral to AFL/IFL, etc.)
- Check ICMP and PC rooms:
- Ensure progress on bulk orders, approaching deadlines, and class prints
- Monitor “Pending customer response” and “Technician needs to respond” tabs and assign requests to LMs as necessary
- Address “Needs Approval” tab and Keystone PC--assign slicing as needed
- Lab Manager Training / Onboarding
- Review messages in #mgmt-mic from SLM last on duty
- Spend 20-30min to get caught up/organized and delegate LM tasks
- Run through training shift with trainees (should all be on same shift)
- Trained Lab Managers can assist in training with:
- Safety training walkthrough if needed
- Clocking in (swipe and timesheets)
- Usage of Paycor
- Walkthrough of bed leveling/calibration
- How to load/unload filament, troubleshooting jams, and logging spools
End of Shift
- Slack pertinent info about current tasks to #mgmt-mic
- Issues with ICMP, wifi, labelmaker, printers, large requests, etc.
- If 4-6pm SLM: assign closing shift tasks and slack any ongoing/unfinished projects to next SLM/#mgmt-mic
- Sweep floors
- Place trash cans outside MIC doors
- Organize work areas
- Turn off light. Leave covered switch on
Monthly Duties
Prompted by LCs
- Printer leveling, check gantry movement when printer is off
- Filament audit (Visual inspections still to be completed weekly)
- Front Table Re-Organization
- Cleaning out pickup bins (toss anything over 3 m old, send tickets for 1-3 m old reminding of pick up)
- Extruder audit (make sure extruders are checked in/out correctly)
- Creating a new retired extruders bag for the month
Other Stuff
- Walk through extruder disassembly for retirement and explain how/why to clean heater block nut with IPA for advanced homing errors
- How to check printer issues (belt tension/layer shifting) that may need repair→ Follow printer repair guide
- Working with the Replicator 2’s
- Discuss when and why we print on Rep 2’s (Flexible, small ABS, PLA overflow)
- Checking PC regularly for Rep 2 request
- Review Flexible filament SOP in Google Drive
- Discuss bed leveling, no rafts, and no supports for flexible filament
- Set up PC request and start sample print in flexible filament