Onboarding - Lab Introduction Shifts
This Wiki serves as a compilation of the requirements for each of the Lab Introduction Shifts. If you have any questions regarding these shifts, please send a message to the corresponding Slack channel.
Advanced Fabrication Lab - AJC 2123
Slack Channel: #lab-afl
Navigate to this calendar and reserve a time slot for Onboarding - AFL Shift
What to bring:
- 1 STL to print on the Formlabs Form 2 SLA Printer (Something with a lot of detail)
- Ensure that this print can fit in a 2” x 2” x 2” box
- Check out Thingiverse to find something to print
Instructional Fabrication Lab - AJC 1119
Slack Channel: #lab-ifl
Navigate to this calendar and reserve a time slot for Training Only Reservation
Before your shift:
- Enroll in this ELMS course
- Go to modules and select IFL
- Read the SOP for the band-saw, sander, & drill press (found in Files)
- Complete the Quizzes for each machine
Research Prototyping Lab - EGR 0126
Slack Channel: #lab-rpl
Navigate to this calendar and reserve a time slot for RPL - MIC New Hire
A few days before your shift:
- Make a request on Papercut with 1 STL to print on the Formlabs Fuse 1 SLS Printer (Something that would generally require supports, or something print in place)
- Check out Thingiverse to find something to print
Design Team & Software Team - TAP 1102
Slack Channel: #talk-design-team
Navigate to this calendar and reserve a time slot for DT Training Shifts
What to bring:
- A general idea of a problem to be solved
- Could be related to the MIC or anything else TW related