Onboarding Checklist (Online)
Complete these tasks before your start date. (Adjusted for temporary online semester)
- Complete Hiring Paperwork with the Operations Manager (Nate)
- Please join #talk-it-questions for any IT related questions with TW
- Slack Safety Officer (Andy Gregory) to set up a time to complete hazard assessment forms in a zoom meeting.
- Visit the Portal to Complete Services Onboarding — portal.terrapin.works
- Onboarding will give access to:
- Your own @umd.edu g-Suite account
- Slack Team Access — terrapinworks.slack.com
- Ximble Access — app.ximble.com
- Papercut Access — go.umd.edu/submit
- Asset Management System Access — assets.tw.umd.edu
- Ticketing System Access — help.eng.umd.edu
- Swipe Access to TAP, RPC and MIC labs (Select: TAP exterior, TAP1102, TAP1103)
- Please visit portal.tw.umd.edu/software/ and download:
- Slack (desktop/mobile)
- Z-Suite
- TW Chrome Extension
- Cura
- MakerBot Print
- MakerBot Desktop (optional)
- Meshmixer
- Pick 2 unique .STL files (Check out Thingiverse.com for this) which will be used as training prints, note that all prints will be scaled to a max print size of 2.5”x2.5”x2.5” (this is to ensure timely completion)
- One simple print for the Replicator 5th gens (tip: pick something low-detail)
- One print that will be prepared with MeshMixer (tip: pick something with organic shapes and overhangs or difficult geometry)
- Understand how Training Scheduling will work:
- Starting February 8th, training will begin
- Two 2-hr shifts will be completed per week
- The shift will take place during your scheduled shift times as seen on Paycor
- The senior lab manager responsible for training you will link to you a zoom meeting url in the #train-onboarding-spring2021 channel in Slack for all online shifts