Building Entrances, Exits, and Fire Extinguishers
Front (orange) and Back (blue) Doors
The TAP Building has a main entrance and a back door. The main door is open to the public before 6 pm, but is locked from the inside afterward. This door is handicap accessible. There is a fire extinguisher stationed to the right of the elevator at the end of the hall.
Front Door
The backdoor is primarily used for university employees (including Terrapin Works Staff) and Startup Shell members, and requires swipe access all day, no matter the time of day. There is a phone and a doorbell stationed beside this door in case you are locked out. A fire alarm and extinguisher are stationed a few feet forward and to the left after you enter the building
Back Door | Back Doorbell and Phone |
Front Door FE | Back Door FE and Fire Alarm |
Where to go in case of a fire?
If the building is evacuated, gather outside of the Neutral Buoyancy Lab across the street from the TAP building parking lot, in front of the rolling door.
Laboratory Signage
Every Laboratory has a yellow sign beside the front door to display the hazards inside as well as who to contact in case of an emergency.
The Supply Closet
Across from TAP1103 and to the right is a small closet containing:
The Eyewash Station. Pull down the large lever to release two fountains of water to flush out your eyes.
Eyewash Station
The Spill Kit. The white bucket beside the sink contains sand and cleanup materials for containing toxic spills (such as formlabs resin). Another spill kit is present in the small back room of the AFL.
Spill Kit
The Chemical/Fireproof Cabinet. Located above the sink, the yellow cabinet is designed to safely store chemicals such as isopropyl alcohol. Keep this cabinet shut when not in use. Another yellow cabinet is located in the small back room of the AFL.
Fireproof Cabinet
The Sink. The large metal sink rests on the left wall of the supply closet. Hand soap is stationed on the wall to the right of the sink and heavy duty paper towels hang to the left.
TAP 1103: The Makerbot Innovation Center
The MIC has a few documents and equipment for preventing and responding to emergencies:
The Emergency Response Guide. The booklet hangs to the left of the doors on the inside of the Lab and reports how to respond to emergencies such as a fire. Flip up the pages on top to access the desired section of the document.
The Waste Disposal Chart. A similar booklet hangs beside the Emergency Response Guide and reports how to get rid of the wastes produced by the MIC.
Emergency Response Guide and Waste Disposal Chart
Close of Guide and Chart
The Telephone. A corded phone is located at the back of the lab on the rear desk by the window.
The Telephone
Personal Protective Equipment. PPE is available at the extruder repair bench in the form of safety glasses and gloves. Use safety glasses to protect your eyes from plastic debris that may be launched while removing supports from print requests. Use gloves while handling hot or sharp objects, such as extruders or an X-acto knife.
The Extruder Repair Bench
TAP 1102: The Design Shop
Similar to the MIC, the RPC has the Emergency Response Guide and Waste Disposal Chart hanging beside the door on the inside and a telephone station on the window sill at the back right corner of the lab. In addition to those things, the Design Shop contains:
The MSDS. The Material Data Safety Sheet binder in the yellow basket on the left wall as you enter the lab records a list of all materials you could be exposed to in the two labs. Use the tabs in the binder to navigate to the relevant machine or material to learn health and safety information about them. Please inform your medical provider that you are working in a laboratory environment with possible exposure to toxic materials, and refer to the MSDS for more information as necessary.
MSDS Binder
Advanced Personal Protective Equipment. The tool wall on the left holds even more PPE. Gloves for chemical protection, Safety Glasses, a face shield, ear plugs, and over-ear hearing protection are all available for your use.
The Tool Wall. The left wall of the Lab is host to a variety of hand tools, such as drills, pliers, screwdrivers, clamps, hacksaws, and more. The use of these tools is subject to certain rules:
- No tools are loaned out under any circumstances
- Tools are only to be used once permission is given from the Safety Officer, Andy Gregory
- All power tools require the user to meet with the Safety Officer before use
- While working in MIC, no tools under any circumstances are to be given to customers (customers should not be using tools in the MIC)
- Customers are not allowed to clean their pints in the MIC – they will injure themselves
- Do not let customers use their own knives or tools to clean prints while in the building
Tool Wall with Earplugs (red), Safety Glasses (orange), Face Shield (yellow), and Over-Ear Hearing Protection (Green)
The First Aid Cabinet. The cabinet is located immediately to the left as you enter. The bandages and medicine inside can be used to treat injury. If you use the last of something in the cabinet, please inform the MIC LC so that it can be replaced.
First Aid Cabinet | Cabinet Interior |
Air Hose. An air compressor is connected to the Design Shop via the brass pipes. The air hose attached to these pipes can be used with air powered attachments, and the pressure can be adjusted.
Air Hose Pressure Adjustment