Make sure that the bed is clear. The machine will home once it is turned on, and there is a possibility of the lens crashing into anything that left on the bed.
The power switch is located in the back right of the machine.
Turn the switch ON
The machine will power up and home. Continue once the control screen comes up.
Place material flat on the bed.
Use the arrow keys to position the head assembly above the material.
Place the focusing puck near the head.
Make sure to not touch the focusing lens.
Loosen the thumbscrew to the left of the focusing lens.
Place the focusing puck between the material and the head assembly.
Lower the head assembly onto the focusing puck and tighten the thumbscrew.
Remove the focusing puck and return the head assembly to the desired home position.
Make sure to not touch the focusing lens.
Loosen the thumbscrew to the left of the focusing lens.
Place the focusing puck between the material and the head assembly.
Lower the head assembly onto the focusing puck .
Tighten the thumbscrew.
Remove the focusing puck.
Use the arrow keys to move to the desired home position.
For room 1201:
In a web broswer navigate to http://jmp1201lc.eng.umd.edu/
For room 1120:
In a web browser navigate to http://jmp1120lc.eng.umd.edu/
Select Import and File
Click to upload file, select the PDF that you wish to cut.
Select Import Cut Only, then Continue
Check the file is placed in the top left corner.
Select the material type and thickness.
Click Start.
Check that Positioning is set to Relative, and review the rest of your settings are correct.
Click Send to Cutter.
Click Okay.
Turn on the exhaust.
Wait for the exhaust to come up to full power before continuing.
Close the lid, make sure the icon shows it as closed.
Follow the on screen prompts and select the check boxes.
Double click the button to start the cut.
Once the cut is finished turn off the exhaust.
Open the lid and remove the material.
You have successfully cut your file on the Dremel Laser Cutter!
You have successfully cut your file on the Dremel Laser Cutter!