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Minor Versionm

by Robert Andre Alban

  1. Ensure the rest of the lab is aware that you will be cleaning the ProX and is behind the marked zones during the cleaning process.
    • Ensure the rest of the lab is aware that you will be cleaning the ProX and is behind the marked zones during the cleaning process.

    • You will need the following materials to clean the ProX build chamber/ cabinet:

    • Versaflow PPE

    • 6mm hex head screw driver

    • Spare container for excess inconel

    • Funnel

    • Gloves

    • Sheet of paper

  2. Turn off the Argon supply valve to the machine to ensure no gas flows while the machine is open. Here is where you will open the interlock doors (the same way we open them to access the glove ports) and use the bypass to allow the free movement of carriage and pistons. Arm the E-stop
    • Turn off the Argon supply valve to the machine to ensure no gas flows while the machine is open.

    • Here is where you will open the interlock doors (the same way we open them to access the glove ports) and use the bypass to allow the free movement of carriage and pistons.

    • Arm the E-stop

    • The chamber is secured in place by approximately 20 hex-headedscrews, The screws are also attached to the cabinet door so don't worry about them falling out.

    • If you pull on the cabinet and it doesn't open ensure that all of the screws are properly loosened (check near the underside airlock)

    • Open the cabinet carefully and slowly as to not spill any powder.

  3. Scrape/ brush the powder from the access door into the recycling container Pay special attention to fully reach under the airlock door. Closing the door will make this easier.
    • Scrape/ brush the powder from the access door into the recycling container

    • Pay special attention to fully reach under the airlock door. Closing the door will make this easier.

    • Scrape/ brush the powder from the interior of the cabinet into the recycling powder

    • Powder may be stuck under the carriage, if this is the case move the internal mechanisms of the build chamber to allow better access.

    • After the powder is emptied take a Wipall rag soaked with isopropyl and ensure the cabinet seals are clear of any debris.

    • Vacuum inside of powder collection area with the tiger vac paying extra attention to the area near the seal of the chamber.

    • You may need to swap tool heads on the vacuum to reach the crevices of the chamber.

    • Finally take the excess powder and load the PX box so that the powder can be recycled.

Finish Line

Robert Andre Alban

Member since: 01/26/2023

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