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Major VersionM

by Wensen Liu

  1. The Datron has an external vacuum that sits behind the machine next to the lathe.
    • The Datron has an external vacuum that sits behind the machine next to the lathe.

    • If you have not done so already, make sure to turn off the Datron before servicing the vacuum. You can find how to do this in the Datron guides.

  2. Switch the vacuum cleaner off before opening the machine. The power switch is highlighted in the red box.
    • Switch the vacuum cleaner off before opening the machine. The power switch is highlighted in the red box.

  3. Twist both knobs to open the door. It should pop open when it has been properly unlocked.
    • Twist both knobs to open the door. It should pop open when it has been properly unlocked.

  4. First, push down on the metal holder. It will swing downwards and detach the bag from the input tube. (Pictures 1 and 2) Second, slide the bag down from the prongs and remove from machine. (Picture 3) Second, slide the bag down from the prongs and remove from machine. (Picture 3)
    • First, push down on the metal holder. It will swing downwards and detach the bag from the input tube. (Pictures 1 and 2)

    • Second, slide the bag down from the prongs and remove from machine. (Picture 3)

    • Take the bag over to one of the trash cans and empty the contents into the can.

    • Replace the bag back into the vacuum. Sliding it back into the prongs

    • Push up the slate so that the bag sits itself into the output pipe. Push until you hear a click.

    • Close and lock the door.

    • Turn on the power switch.

Finish Line

Wensen Liu

Member since: 04/27/2020

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