Unscrew the two hose clamps from the arrestor
Unclip the top and pull out the screens
Dump the debris in the trash, then vacuum the screens and bottom of the arrestor
Replace the screens, reclip the top on, and reattach the hose clamps
Be sure to vacuum around the area the cleaned the screens as the floor will be dusty
Pretty self-explanatory: vacuum debris from under the bed
Grab the grease gun from the cabinet
Attach the tip to the nipple on the side of the gantry. Push until it clips in
Pump one full squeeze of grease into all ports
There are 6 total, 3 on each side
Open the shroud on the X-axis gantry by unscrewing the thumbscrews
Check the linear rails to see if they are dry
If dry, put one drop?? of oil in the marked circle
Check the color of the desiccant in the air filtration system
If it needs to be replaced, inform an LC
When changing lens assemblies or if the laser isn't cutting as it should, check the lens for scratches, smudges or other imperfections
If present, follow the Kern guide for the v-focus lens removal and cleaning on their website: http://kernlasers.com/customer-login/
Username: laser
Password: system
Unscrew the bottom of the metal lens assembly
Check the sacrificial lens for cracks, burns, or other imperfections
If any are present, replace the lens with a spare
Check this if metal is not cutting as it should using normal settings
If the cuts are looking too wide or the normal settings are not cutting through, check the focus of the lens
Look on the Kern website for a video guide that explains how to check and change the height of the lens in the assembly (found in the customer login page like before)
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