AC polarity is used to weld aluminum. Alternating Current is when electrons alternate direction of flow.
When welding in AC be sure to be using green band electrodes.
When welding in AC, the "AC Waveshape" settings become active. This setting allows you to adjust your balance and frequency.
Balance controls your etching and cleaning power. It increases the percentage time that your arc is electronegative vs electropositive.
Frequency controls the width of your arc. The higher the frequency, the narrower your arc and the narrower your bead.
To switch back to adjusting your amperage, press the "A" button.
When welding in AC, electrodes need to be balled. This can be done by securing the electrode in the torch with a squared off end.
Turn your balance down until the screen reads "BALL."
Press the foot pedal remote while holding the electrode over a cleaned piece of aluminum until the electrode has a ball on the end.
The more square you hold the electrode over the aluminum, the more centered your ball will be. This ensures the most control over the arc.
A large part of welding is understanding how to fix your welds and diagnose the problems that may be occurring with your bead.
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Theses are just a few common problems that you may encounter. You should become familiar with welding problems. This skill comes with a little research and lots of PRACTICE.
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