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Major VersionM

by Isaac Loux Rattey

  1. Welcome to PaperCut. This is what the page will look like when you first click into operator view. This menu should  be used to narrow down the list of printers that are seen on the dashboard. We use the printer " [Powder Bed] - Formlabs Fuse 1/ HP JF580 " click to select this filter
    • Welcome to PaperCut. This is what the page will look like when you first click into operator view.

    • This menu should be used to narrow down the list of printers that are seen on the dashboard.

    • We use the printer " [Powder Bed] - Formlabs Fuse 1/ HP JF580 " click to select this filter

    • The dashboard will now look something like this. (Iss nice, no?)

  2. Look to see if there any parts in the new column. If there aren't any new parts, look in the other columns to check to see if everything has been updated properly. (using the rest of the steps in this guide) 1. This is one way a customer would report that they want the part in a particular color using these fields, but it is NOT the only way they may do so
    • Look to see if there any parts in the new column.

    • If there aren't any new parts, look in the other columns to check to see if everything has been updated properly. (using the rest of the steps in this guide)

    • 1. This is one way a customer would report that they want the part in a particular color using these fields, but it is NOT the only way they may do so

    • 2. Customers may also use this field to indicate color, again it is NOT be the only way they may do so

    • 3. Customers may also put other requests in these fields so it's good to include in your first look at the PaperCut Order

    • If the customer has put something in these fields, then you should always follow up in a message asking if they would like the part to be printed for the fuse or HP

    • The Fuse only prints in the grey color powder provided. The HP is the only powder printer that prints in color

  3. Once you have figured out that the parts are for the Fuse, it's time to slice. Once you click the part on the initial dashboard, a new page is generated and at the top of the screen you will see each part uploaded by the customer .stl files are fused for the Fuse, but other files that show up could be .obj, or .3mf (usually these are for the HP, but can be sliced in Preform)
    • Once you have figured out that the parts are for the Fuse, it's time to slice.

    • Once you click the part on the initial dashboard, a new page is generated and at the top of the screen you will see each part uploaded by the customer

    • .stl files are fused for the Fuse, but other files that show up could be .obj, or .3mf (usually these are for the HP, but can be sliced in Preform)

    • Download each part

    • Open Preform, the slicing software for the Fuse

    • In order to select the correct the correct printer, you must be on TW Wifi-RPL- (ask someone in the lab for access to LastPass or ask for the password)

    • Once on the correct Wifi, select the printer VenerableYak

    • Add parts to build box by either clicking and dragging the downloaded file into the box, or opening the files through PreForm

  4. Again, customers may specify part amounts in different places like the "Additional Instructions" section of PaperCut OR the customer may specify in the instructions that the amount they need is in the part name Regardless the location, it's always good practice to look in all of the mentioned areas for part amounts before printing
    • Again, customers may specify part amounts in different places like the "Additional Instructions" section of PaperCut

    • OR the customer may specify in the instructions that the amount they need is in the part name

    • Regardless the location, it's always good practice to look in all of the mentioned areas for part amounts before printing

  5. Arrange the parts so that they are a short distance apart and flat on the build plate Parts will vary with how they will be oriented in the build chamber. Not all will be flat, some will need to be rotated etc. See Fuse slicing best practices for how/when to rotate a part HERE
    • Arrange the parts so that they are a short distance apart and flat on the build plate

    • Parts will vary with how they will be oriented in the build chamber. Not all will be flat, some will need to be rotated etc.

    • See Fuse slicing best practices for how/when to rotate a part HERE

    • The orange highlight around the parts indicates that they are overlapping, and it will not print properly

  6. All parts need to be quoted from PreForm for two fields: 1. Bounding Box and 2. Volume The Bounding Box is the blue box surrounding a part when you click on it in PreForm The Bounding Box Volume is calculated using the values displayed in the Size menu for x, y, and z
    • All parts need to be quoted from PreForm for two fields: 1. Bounding Box and 2. Volume

    • The Bounding Box is the blue box surrounding a part when you click on it in PreForm

    • The Bounding Box Volume is calculated using the values displayed in the Size menu for x, y, and z

    • Volume and Bounding Box Volume are two different values

    • Volume is calculated using the Model Powder

  7. Luckily, there's a handy Excel sheet that can be used to calculate and convert bounding box values for you found HERE Input the values found in PreForm for x, y, and z for each part
    • Luckily, there's a handy Excel sheet that can be used to calculate and convert bounding box values for you found HERE

    • Input the values found in PreForm for x, y, and z for each part

    • There is a new row for each part, and new values are generated for each part for the Bounding Box in PreForm when you click on them

    • The value needed to input into PaperCut for the Bounding Box Volume is populated here

    • Bounding box dimensions in PreForm change depending on orientation of each part

  8. Volume in Preform = Model Powder. We use these values for each part to calculate total powder use for each part for this particular job Right click on a part and click "Model Properties" Input the Model Powder value into the Excel sheet for each part (have to follow above step for each part)
    • Volume in Preform = Model Powder. We use these values for each part to calculate total powder use for each part for this particular job

    • Right click on a part and click "Model Properties"

    • Input the Model Powder value into the Excel sheet for each part (have to follow above step for each part)

    • If you have the same part duplicated many times, you can just add the Model Powder in the field once, then include the quantity of the part

    • Orientation does NOT affect part volume, only the bounding box

    • This value is what is put into PaperCut for the Part(s) Volume field

  9. Save part as PC(part number) and upload it to PaperCut Uploading the part to PaperCut after slicing is important so that those that come after can check quoting, or can redownload/upload the part if something goes wrong
    • Save part as PC(part number) and upload it to PaperCut

    • Uploading the part to PaperCut after slicing is important so that those that come after can check quoting, or can redownload/upload the part if something goes wrong

  10. Once everything is sliced, check to see if there are any other prints that have already been sliced, or that are new for the Fuse These prints can be run together in one job (AFTER they have been sliced individually for quoting) The equip-fuse channel should be checked too to make sure that all prints that can fit in one job are included in the next print
    • Once everything is sliced, check to see if there are any other prints that have already been sliced, or that are new for the Fuse

    • These prints can be run together in one job (AFTER they have been sliced individually for quoting)

    • The equip-fuse channel should be checked too to make sure that all prints that can fit in one job are included in the next print

    • If you finished slicing a job but cannot run it on your shift, put the PaperCut order number in the equip-fuse channel so that someone can look at it later

    • Once a job has been uploaded and is printing, add a green check mark to the existing job in the equip-fuse slack channel

    • This is a job with multiple PaperCut orders sent in slack to be printed later

  11. Time to begin Fuse prep! These are general Fuse maintenance items that only need to be taken care of when they are almost full When prints have warped or something has gone wrong, completing a few of these tasks may help to fix the problem
    • Time to begin Fuse prep!

    • These are general Fuse maintenance items that only need to be taken care of when they are almost full

    • When prints have warped or something has gone wrong, completing a few of these tasks may help to fix the problem

    • To begin priming the printer, click prime printer

    • Clicking Prime Printer will lead you to a list of tasks that need to be done each time before a new print is done

  12. Once you have gone through the Fuse checklist, click the print button in PreForm
    • Once you have gone through the Fuse checklist, click the print button in PreForm

    • Ensure that you are printing on VenerableYak as that is the name of the Fuse in the RPL

    • Change Nylon to the correct Nylon type. (We should be using Nylon 11, but check with LC as this is subject to change)

    • Once everything is all set, click Upload Job

    • The printer will start automatically (once the upload is finished) since it has already been primed

  13. Whenever handling anything within the Fuse or Sift, gloves MUST be worn in addition to a mask Open the latch with the blue button on the Sift to Prep for transferring the build chamber from the Fuse to the Sift Make sure the build chamber area on the Sift is empty and ready to accept the build chamber
    • Whenever handling anything within the Fuse or Sift, gloves MUST be worn in addition to a mask

    • Open the latch with the blue button on the Sift to Prep for transferring the build chamber from the Fuse to the Sift

    • Make sure the build chamber area on the Sift is empty and ready to accept the build chamber

    • Make sure the vacuum hose is not hanging down into the build chamber area

  14. Once the print is done, the Fuse will look like this with the name of each part on top of the print bed Before removing the Build chamber click on the printer icon and consumables toggle to get to this screen Ensure that thee build chamber is BELOW 45ºC before removing it
    • Once the print is done, the Fuse will look like this with the name of each part on top of the print bed

    • Before removing the Build chamber click on the printer icon and consumables toggle to get to this screen

    • Ensure that thee build chamber is BELOW 45ºC before removing it

    • Open the Fuse door by sliding over the "Unlock Door" on the Fuse touchpad

    • Use oven mitts to remove chamber if necessary to do so before it fully cools

    • Mitts can be found to the right of the Fuse

  15. Again, ensure that the build chamber is below 45°C. Otherwise, you must use oven mitts for handling the build chamber Disconnect and stow the build chamber data cable in the rubber slot on the build chamber Now you are ready to sift and clean the parts. See the Fuse Sift Operation Dozuki for more details
    • Again, ensure that the build chamber is below 45°C. Otherwise, you must use oven mitts for handling the build chamber

    • Disconnect and stow the build chamber data cable in the rubber slot on the build chamber

    • Now you are ready to sift and clean the parts. See the Fuse Sift Operation Dozuki for more details

  16. Once you are done cleaning the parts in thee sifting hood, the parts must be bead blasted to reduce/eliminate any stray powder from sifting and cleaning the parts
    • Once you are done cleaning the parts in thee sifting hood, the parts must be bead blasted to reduce/eliminate any stray powder from sifting and cleaning the parts

    • See Bead Blaster Usage for more details

    • Be sure not to over bead blast or clean the parts, as that can ruin part integrity.

  17. Once you're done bead blasting, the parts need to be bagged up and taken to the AFL for pickup -- The bags are stored in the 1st drawer next to the Fuse There are two bag sizes, small and medium. Larger bags are available in AFL Once you have placed the parts in the bag, find the order on papercut and click "Print Label"
    • Once you're done bead blasting, the parts need to be bagged up and taken to the AFL for pickup -- The bags are stored in the 1st drawer next to the Fuse

    • There are two bag sizes, small and medium. Larger bags are available in AFL

    • Once you have placed the parts in the bag, find the order on papercut and click "Print Label"

    • You should be connected to TW Wifi in order to print the label

    • A label will print out with the name and pricing information. Place the label onto the bag containing the parts

    • If the label maker is not working write on the bag in sharpie instead, including: Name, Price of the print, and Papercut part number

    • Transport to AFL and place it in the correct bin according to last name and part fragility!

    • Be sure to change the status to "Ready for Pickup" in Papercut once dropped off to AFL

Finish Line


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